July 11th, 2022

EHFCN welcomes an Indonesian Delegation

27 June 2022 | Brussels

On 27 June 2022, EHFCN welcomed an Indonesian Delegation: BPJS Kesehatan Indonesia is a government’s healthcare service assurance institution with more than 180 Million members.
BPJS Kesehatan’s interest is to learn and benchmark related to Fraud management.

The Indonesian government is developing regulations regarding fraud and corruption in the healthcare system, especially within their insurance management.

The topics were about potential fraud in Europe, mechanism of fraud management and the challenges in fraud management.

Indonesia already has a healthcare insurance mechanism through BPJS and they look forward to further improving the system by learning from other countries. In this regard, they wished to discuss the matter with EHFCN and learn more on regulatory and other measures that we took to overcome these challenges.

Ask us anything: office@ehfcn.org
