Who we are
EHFCN is a not-for-profit organization financed through subscription fees. Its members are healthcare and counter fraud organizations in Europe (corporate flyer).
EHFCN was founded in 2005 as a result of the first pan-European conference held in London in October 2004. Its foundations lie in the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Declaration agreed upon by its delegates.
Our Mission, since we are the only organization dedicated to combating fraud, corruption and waste in the healthcare sector across Europe, is to improve healthcare systems for the benefit of every patient.
Our vision is to create a real fraud-proof and corruption-proof culture within healthcare systems across Europe. Our network will empower our people to use their knowledge and skills to the full.
The main aim of EHFCN is to work with its member organizations to counter fraud, corruption and waste. It supports its members and associates entities in their work of prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and redress of healthcare fraud, corruption, and waste.
In order to reach this, EHFCN:
- provides its members with a platform to exchange information and tools, best practices and ideas;
- promotes the development of common working standards through education and events (workshops, ‘Open houses’)
- represents its member organizations towards national, European and international organizations involved in healthcare and/or in countering fraud and corruption
Address EHFCN Office: Avenue Galilée 5/01, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
Ask us anything: office@ehfcn.org or Tel: +32 (0) 2 739 72 15 or contact directly Lawrence de Marneffe, External Relations Officer of EHFCN by mail to Lawrence.demarneffe@riziv-inami.fgov.be.
Find out who is active in the Board and the EHFCN Team or click on Contact us.