
EHFCN is run according to its Articles of Association and under the following representative lines:

The General Assembly is comprised of delegates from corporate members and meets once a year in a location in Europe. It is the body of supreme authority of the network. Among its roles, the General Assembly determines the general policies of the network, elects the Executive Committee members, approves the annual accounts and annual budget.

The Executive Committee is the managing body of the network. Its duties include overseeing the affairs of the network, monitoring the implementation of the network’s resolutions, adopting working and administrative policies and budgets for the network, establishing Working Groups, Task Forces and Sub-Committees as needed. The Executive Committee consists of four members elected by EHFCN delegates at the General Assembly. Members of the Executive Committee do not represent their organization and are not remunerated for their position. The current Executive Committee is composed of the following 4 members:

  • President
  • Vice-president
  • Treasurer
  • Ordinary Member

In 2020-2021, the Executive Committee comprises (contact details of the persons listed below can be found on ‘Contact us’):

The Executive Committee

Philip Tavernier

President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN

President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN.
Medical Director-General of the Medical Evaluation and Inspection Department (MEID) of the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Brussels, Belgium (NIHDI). He is a medical doctor and has a master in Social Medicine. Email:

Jens Christian Haatvedt

Vice-President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN

Vice-President of the Executive Committee of EHFCN.
Jens Christian Haatvedt works as a senior advisor at The Norwegian Health Economic Administration (Helfo). He is an economist with a masters degree in economics and econometrics from the University of Oslo. Email:

Kathrin Baumgarten

Treasurer EHFCN

Treasurer EHFCN.
International Fraud Lead Analyst (Cigna, Scotland, United Kingdom). Email:

Julie Galodé

Ordinary Member EHFCN

International Relation Officer at CNAM, the French national health insurance fund (Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés, Paris, France). Tel: +33 (0) 2 43 50 77 40. Email: